Get In the Hearing Loop Toolkit Handbook-Part 2

(41 pages) Part 2 of the handbook

You have decided to advocate for hearing loops. How do you start?
You would not start an epic journey without a map and a plan. The same logic applies to getting hearing loops installed in your community. Because it is usually not as simple as asking a venue to install a hearing loop, the GITHL Toolkit Handbook is your roadmap to success. Think of all the different elements as GPS, signposts, and rest stops.

We suggest spending time getting familiar with the content in the Handbook. You will find everything from GITHL logos, brochures, posters and presentation materials to sample letters and postcards. There is information about how hearing loops work and laws that will back up your requests for hearing accommodations. Most importantly, there are answers to your questions and inspiration to keep going toward your goal.

File Type: pdf
File Size: 3 MB
Categories: HLAA, Tools
Tags: ADA, hearing loop, Toolkit, User
screenshot of cover