Diagrams of Hearing Loops

There are a variety of hearing loop options, both hardware and design configurations.

Phased array hearing loop illustration
Photo credit: IHLMA
Photo credit: IHLMA

Phased array, used for large rooms. Well-designed phased array hearing loops give good, quality sound, no matter where a person sits.

Perimeter hearing loop, commonly used in small meeting rooms. Please consult with a qualified installer who can evaluate whether a perimeter hearing loop in the room will meet IEC standards. A person should be able to sit anywhere.

Counter hearing loop with staff member speaking into microphone. On the other side of the counter, with a plexiglass barrier, are two users: one with a cochlear implant (younger person) and one with a hearing aid (older person)
Portable counter hearing loops between two people sitting at a desk.

Counter Hearing Loop

How hearing loop works with hearing aid and implant (1 page, pdf)

Portable counter hearing loop

How a hearing aid works: 5 steps