Comparison of Different Assistive Listening Systems

All Systems Need to Co-Exist

FM, infrared, and hearing loops all need to co-exist. Each facility has different needs. Indoors or outdoors? Permanent, portable, or temporary installation? Site assessment? Service counter or conference room? Users needs?

Users need to be able to navigate all systems, know before they go what to expect, and have well-maintained equipment to borrow.

It is critical that the needs of the users are heard and no one is left out.

Hearing Loop Advantages

A hearing aid compatible hearing loop system delivers sound that’s customized by one’s hearing aids for one’s own ears. It requires no fuss with extra equipment. A hearing aid allows use of a mic + telecoil (M/T) setting that enables one to hear the room conversation or the phone ringing. In public settings, their main advantage is their simplicity: people need only activate their telecoils. There’s no need to get up, seek out, and wear conspicuous equipment (which few people with hearing loss take the initiative to do). Additionally, the sound is contained in one’s ear, without bothering others nearby. There is no need to juggle between headphones and hearing instruments (during, say, a worship service). And there are no hygienic concerns about borrowed equipment.


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